Carbon fiber fabric for torsion strengthening

The carbon fiber reinforcement method is not suitable for the reinforcement of concrete structures due to insufficient rigidity, excessive deformation, and normal use limit conditions. When used for torsion reinforcement, although it can play a certain role, it is not economical and needs to be determined through further experimental research.

There are few studies conducted at home and abroad on the use ofcarbon fiber fabric for the torsion reinforcement of concrete structures. From the point of view of the torsion failure mechanism of the concrete structure, whether the fiber direction of the carbon fiber fabric is perpendicular to the axis or parallel to the axis, the development of the torsion oblique crack can be restrained and a certain reinforcing effect can be achieved.

However, since the reinforcement is made with carbon fiber fabric, on the one hand, cracks of the member have been formed, and the crack distribution has been determined. On the other hand, the ultimate strain of carbon fiber can be as high as 10000με or more, and the ordinary steel strain is less than 2000με. If the strain is applied to 4000με or more, the crack width of the concrete has been greatly developed, and it is inevitable to start to develop to other surfaces, and the structure is near to destruction. At this time, the stress that the carbon fiber can reach is still very low. Therefore, the effect of carbon fiber reinforced torsion members needs to be determined through further research.

The carbon fiber reinforcement method is not suitable for the reinforcement of concrete structures due to insufficient rigidity, excessive deformation, and normal use limit conditions. When used for torsion reinforcement, although it can play a certain role, it is not economical and needs to be determined through further experimental research.

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