Carbon fiber VS steel bonded reinfrocement

Comparison of carbon fiber fabric and steel plate bonded technology CFRP advantage:.Corrosion resistance; Low cost,cost effective compared with other method; Easy installation; Short construction period; Light weight,no influence to original structure; No maintenance required

Comparison of carbon fiber fabric and steel plate bonded technology

Carbon fiber VS steel bonded reinfrocement.jpg

ItemsCarbon fiber reinfroced polymer(CFRP) strengtheningSteel palte bonded reinfrocement
Application range of reinfrocementThe bending, shear, compression strengthening of components, the seismic resistance reinfrocement of structural system, and the reinforcement of masonry structure.Only limited to the hending ,tensile strengthening of static state concrete components.
Coordination of the reinforcementGood anti-tear performance(wire bonding tensile characteristic) of materials, can be bonded closely with substrate,superiore coordination.The intergral rigidity of steel plate is too strong, tear resistance is poor, and poor coordination with componenets.
The length and overlappingThe length is not limited, the overlapping is convenient, easy to cross.The length is limited, the overlapping is troubled , no cross-use.
Self weightVery light, almost no additional structural load.Heavy, impact on the structure.
The operablity and period of constructionSimple operation, short construction period.Operation is not convenient, long period.
Performance/ price ratioGood
Labor cost is high

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