Reinforcement Rusting with Cracks on Concrete Constrution

In the absence of cracks, the alkaline environment causes the formation of an oxide film on the surface of the steel bar to prevent corrosion. After the crack appeared, the CO2 neutralized the alkaline environment and the oxide film disappeared.

Reinforcement Rusting with Cracks

Causes of cracks: improper curing, uneven foundation settlement, temperature crack, normal crack in force, etc.

Corrosion of steel bars

In the absence of cracks, the alkaline environment causes the formation of an oxide film on the surface of the steel bar to prevent corrosion.

After the crack appeared, the CO2 neutralized the alkaline environment and the oxide film disappeared.

Steel + air + water = corrosion

The corrosion of steel bar will expand in volume, grow up, accelerate corrosion and expand the protective layer of concrete.

prestress cfrp laminate to reduce cracks

(prestress cfrp laminate to reduce cracks)

What should we do?

  1. Sufficient thickness of concrete protection layer

  2. Paste carbon fiber fabric and steel plate

  3. Apply prestress to reduce cracks

  4. Repair and closure of cracks in time

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