Retrofitting of communication equipment room

The office building is transformed into a communication machine room. The load is obviously increased. Now we use carbon fiber to strengthen the beam and plate to improve the tensile strength, so as to achieve the load condition of the building's functional transformation.

Project overview

The building is a frame structure. Now it is transformed from office building to communication room. The problem is function changes and load increase. Therefore, carbon fiber cloth is used to enhance the bearing capacity of the building. Used HM-30 carbon fiber fabric for reinforcement. The amount of carbon cloth is about 12000 square meters and the corresponding quantity of carbon cloth impregnated glue. The reinforcement effect is good.

The tensile strength of beam and slab can be enhanced by bonding carbon fiber cloth on the surface of concrete member, and it can also avoid further deterioration for cracks in beams or slabs, so as to enhance the bearing capacity of the structure.

Retrofitting of communication equipment room

slab retrofitting

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Tissu unidirectionnel en fibre de carbone

HM-20 est un tissu de fibre de carbone unidirectionnelle. Lorsque mis en place par superposition d’épaisseurs du tissu sur la résine d’imprégnation époxyde HM-180C3P, il forme un système de renforcement composite.

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Colle en tissu de fibre de carbone


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