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Dalian Zhuanghe power plant retrofitting
Strengthening Zhuanghe power plant, Dalian, Guodian,use more reinforcement technology:carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) fabric, chemical reinforcement, and increased cross section
Project overview
This project is Zhuanghe power plant, Dalian, Guodian.
1) more reinforcement technology. The reconstruction techniques included in this project include: carbon fiber cloth paste, chemical reinforcement, and increased cross section.
2) because the construction site is located in the power plant, and the construction period is tight, there are three dimensional cross work construction in multi point and many parts, and the safety construction is the most important.
3) the protection of the original structure
Structural strengthening materials
HM-20 carbon fiber fabric
HM-500 anchoring adhesive
(planting rebar with HM-500 anchoring adhesive)
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HM-20 est un tissu de fibre de carbone unidirectionnelle. Lorsque mis en place par superposition d’épaisseurs du tissu sur la résine d’imprégnation époxyde HM-180C3P, il forme un système de renforcement composite.
boulon d'ancrage à haute résistance avec résine de vinyle comme matériaux principaux, composé de sables de quartz sélectionnés, d'agents de cure et de tubes en verre