La gamme d'activités Horse Construction a tendance à partout dans le monde et à servir des milliers de clients avec des produits, des conseils techniques spécialisés dans la construction, et nous assistons avec eux à la refonte de la marque chinoise.
Wall and floor openings strengthening
According to the requirements of the standard, the reinforcement of the concrete structure should be strengthened when the opening of the concrete structure is more than 300*300mm. In order to ensure the stability of the original structure, the shear wall and floor of this project are 300*400mm and 400*700mm, which should be strengthened according to the requirements of the standard.
Project overview
In accordance with the requirements of Party A, wall and floor openings, with specifications for 300*400mm and 300*700mm, according to experience, combined with site conditions, if the use of manual removal, removal efficiency is relatively low, remove dust, vibration, damage to the original structure, therefore, to ensure the stability of the original structure and meet the guarantee period civilized construction requirements, take the diamond hole cutting program for construction.
According to the requirements of the standard, the reinforcement of the concrete structure should be strengthened when the opening of the concrete structure is more than 300*300mm. In order to ensure the stability of the original structure, the shear wall and floor of this project are 300*400mm and 400*700mm, which should be strengthened according to the requirements of the standard.
HM-20 est un tissu de fibre de carbone unidirectionnelle. Lorsque mis en place par superposition d’épaisseurs du tissu sur la résine d’imprégnation époxyde HM-180C3P, il forme un système de renforcement composite.