Adhesive for applying CFRP fabric

At both ends of the joint and the carbon fiber reinforced fabric, the thickness of carbon fiber glue can be naturally accumulated to form a structural anchorage to prevent the carbon fiber fabric from warping and peeling


carbon fiber adhesive for applying carbon fiber fabric


carbon fiber adhesive for applying carbon fiber fabric

Advantages of carbon fiber adhesive used for applying carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) fabric

1, less dripping and hanging, reduce waste, not easily pollute the ground and substrate, easy to operate and hygienic. Environmentally friendly.

2, carbon fiber adesive has a certain repair and leveling effect on the small defect of the base material. It has strong permeability and saves labor, time and glue.

3, do not pile up, no flow, no lack of glue, uniform infiltration of fiber, reduce repetitive operation, completely solve the flow caused by the empty drum and glue deficiency.

4, at both ends of the joint and the carbon fiber fabric, the thickness of glue can be naturally accumulated to form a structural anchorage to prevent the carbon fiber fabric from warping and peeling.

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