The application of carbon fiber fabric for strengthening

Carbon fiber fabric or structural strengthening, repairing and retrofitting of masonry, concrete, steel and wooden substrates.FRP composite strengthening of columns,beams,slabs,walls,piles,pier caps in building,bridge,highway,railway,tunnels,piers and civil airport.

Carbon fiber fabric for building structure

  • Increase of live load

  • Changes in the use of the structure

  • The opening of a floor or wall

  • Cracking of concrete

  • Structural fire damage

  • Corrosion of steel bar and original structure

  • Decrease in strength of concrete

  • Improvement of seismic grade

  • Crack control

  • Design or construction defects

carbon fiber fabric for strengthening

Carbon fiber fabric for bridge structure

  • Increase the load grade

  • Increase in traffic volume

  • Cracking of concrete

  • Excessive stress is used in reinforcing steel bars

  • Material aging and corrosion of steel bar

  • Improvement of seismic grade

  • Defects, design or construction defects

carbon fiber fabric for strengthening

Carbon fiber fabric for other structures (tunnel, hydraulic structure, silo structure, chimney structure, etc.)

  • Cracking of concrete

  • Steel corrosion of original structure

  • Decrease of concrete strength

  • The opening of the floor or wall

  • Design or construction defects

Carbon fiber fabric for other structures

The key feature of carbon fiber fabric for structural strengthening

  • Advanced technology, high strength, high efficiency, no stress relaxation and no creep.

  • No increase of load (constant load) and section size

  • The construction is simple, and the construction is short in different environments.

  • It can be adapted to the shape of different components, and the quality of construction is easy to guarantee.

  • The construction of CFRP does not cause any new damage to the original structure.

  • Super waterproof, anticorrosion, high temperature resistance, fatigue resistance and so on.

  • A variety of models, rich series, high cost performance

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Tissu unidirectionnel en fibre de carbone

HM-20 est un tissu de fibre de carbone unidirectionnelle. Lorsque mis en place par superposition d’épaisseurs du tissu sur la résine d’imprégnation époxyde HM-180C3P, il forme un système de renforcement composite.

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Niveau époxy

Bon adhésif de nivellement de fibre de carbone de thixotropie pour la réparation de surface en béton

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Colle en tissu de fibre de carbone


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