CFRP sheets for flexural strengthening of RC beams

Calculated parameters for flexural strengthening of RC beams using carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) sheet​.

CFRP sheets for flexural strengthening of RC beams

Calculated parameters for flexural strengthening of RC beams using carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) sheet

Beam section: 250x700

The strength grade of concrete is: C25

Steel grade: two grade steel

Thickness of concrete protective layer: 25mm

Number of steel bars: double rows and above

Bending moment value before reinforcement: 50KN.M

Bending moment value after reinforcement: 417KN.M

Tensile reinforcement area: 2280mm

Compressed reinforcement area: 509mm

The ultimate bending moment of the section of the original beam: Mu

the height of the compression zone of the original beam is X'

x'= fy* (As - As') / (fc * b)=178.59mm

x'≤2a ,x'= 2a, x'>ζbho,x'= ζbho

x'=2a ,Mu= fy * As * (h - 2 * a)

x'>ζbho ,Mu = fc * b * x' * (h - x' / 2) + fy * As' * (h - a)

2a<x'≤ζbho ,Mu=fc * b * x' * (h - x' / 2) + fy'* As' * (h - a) - fy'* As *a


If M>1.4Mu can not be reinforced, M<Mu does not need to be strengthened,The rest of the situation is treated as follows:

After the reinforce beam according to the specification of the important components of not more than 0.75 ζbho. Therefore, the following judgment is made: the relative height of the compression zone is x

x≤2a ,x = 2a


x=(fc * b * h - Sqr((fc * b * h) * (fc * b * h) + 2 * fc * b * (fy * As' * (h - a)- fy * As * a - M ))) / (fc * b)


CFRP sheets for flexural strengthening of RC beams

Considering the effect of two stress, the lag strain of fiber composites εfo




CFRP width=(fc * b * X + fy * As' - fy * As) / (wf * ff) / km /(nf * tf)

The results are as follows:

Carbon fiber fabric strength grade: high strength II grade, area quality <=300 and no pre impregnation material

Carbon fiber layer number: 1 layers

Carbon fiber cloth thickness: 0.167mm

Carbon fiber cloth width: 60.6mm

Paste extension length: 857.5mm

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