Characteristics of Pre-stressed CFRP plate reinforcement

Reinforcement technology of prestressed carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminate is 4-6 times higher strength than that of non prestressed carbon fiber reinforcement technology.t can not only improve the bearing capacity of concrete beams, but also significantly improve the service performance of reinforced beams.


Pre stress on CFRP plate by prestressing technology, the strain lag degree of CFRP plate is improved in advance. It can not only improve the bearing capacity of concrete beams, but also significantly improve the service performance of reinforced beams.

Characteristics of Pre-stressed CFRP plate reinforcement 

1. Reinforcement technology of prestressed carbon fiber laminate is 4-6 times higher than that of non prestressed carbon fiber reinforcement technology.

2. Prestressed reinforcement technology reduces the normal stripping force between carbon fiber and concrete components, improves the distribution of bond stress and effectively inhibits the bond failure.

3. The advantages of light weight, high strength, corrosion resistance, fatigue and high design

4. Compared with the non prestressed CFRP, the fatigue life of the prestressed CFRP is greatly extended.

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