Carbon fiber reinforcement of floor cracks in basement

Under the condition of little influence on the structure, the floor and beam of this part are reinforced. The reinforcement is by the method of low pressure pouring and construction with carbon fiber reinfroced polymer composite .

Project overview

The project is a frame structure with five layers and underground layers on the ground. The roof and wall plate of the basement are cast in place. The concrete strength grade is C30 / $6.

Because of the weather when pouring temperature is too high, maintenance is not in place, the water cement ratio of commercial concrete is too large; pipeline laying on the slab bottom reinforcement quality is mainly caused by the cracks; and construction by the construction of intermittent cold joints, causing part of the floor cracks on concrete strength and Water Leakage, full of resilience after detection, detection of concrete strength to meet the design requirements.

Under the condition of little influence on the structure, the floor and beam of this part are reinforced. The reinforcement is by the method of low pressure pouring and construction with carbon fiber reinfroced polymer composite .

Carbon fiber reinforcement of floor cracks in basement.jpg

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