How to use HM-500 chemical anchor

Anchoring reinforcement, a kind of Post-Anchorage connection technology in seismic strengthening engineering of building structures, is the best choice for the application of structural reinforcement and heavy-load fastening.

How to use HM-500 chemical anchor

Anchoring reinforcement, a kind of Post-Anchorage connection technology in seismic strengthening engineering of building structures, is the best choice for the application of structural reinforcement and heavy-load fastening.

How to use HM-500 chemical anchor?

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epoxy chemical anchoring

The construction process of HM 500 epoxy chemical anchoring.

Drill hole

First, drill holes in designed position, the depth and diameter of the hole should meet the requirements in order to meet bonding area and ensure the pulling strength. 

Clean hole

Clean and blow holes, brush and blow for three times at least is recommended. 

Glue preparation

Inject glue HM 500 epoxy chemical anchor equipped with a special static mixer and dispenser. Squeeze out the glue without full mixed in front part of the cartridge. Inject glue from the bottom of the hole until fill the two-thirds of the hole. 

Rust remove of steel bar

Polish the steel bar or anchor bolt before inserted through the hole. 

Injecting and anchoring

Inserting in one single direction until to the bottom of the hole. 

Standing and curing

Keep stand for maintenance before curing. 

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