The basis for judging the quality of the anchoring adhesive

The uniformity of bond strength of anchoring adhesive concrete specimens: each type of glue, C25 concrete specimen size 280x300x600mm, 3 groups.

  1. concrete specimens: each type of glue, C25 concrete specimen size 280x300x600mm, 3 groups.

  2. each point of the same buried depth of two inside steel bars should have the same trend of the same average stress change during the whole process. (drawing analysis, the transverse coordinates are the distance mm of some point and the surface of the specimen and the stress value N/mm2 in the steel bar in the steel bar), the stress difference should be within 10%. The extreme value difference of the three groups should also be within 10%

anchoring adhesive

The basis for judging the quality of the anchoring adhesive

  • Durability of binder

    The durability of planting bar adhesive and its sensitivity to external exposure environment were verified by slice experiments.

    (1) concrete specimens: at least 4 for each type of glue, concrete grade C25, test cube edge length greater than 150mm, high to 300mm

      (2)The diameter of 12mm steel bar is inserted into the central axis of each drying specimen, and the diameter of the drill hole is supplied by the supplier, and the drilling depth is 280mm.After the gelation time provided by the supplier, the specimen was cut into 30mm thick slices with a diamond saw, and the number of slices was at least 30 (10 slices for external exposure test and 10 slices for normal temperature contrast test).

      (3)The slices with planting bars were placed in the alkaline solution and sulphur environment. The slices of the contrast test were kept at normal temperature (dry +21C 3C, relative humidity of 50 5%) for 2000 hours.

  • Binder properties under long-term and short-term environmental temperatures

      The adhesion of rebar adhesive, resistance to continuous load capacity (with appropriate safety factor and limited displacement) should not be affected by the influence of the temperature of the concrete environment (below). The short-term environmental temperature test is used to verify the performance of the rebar adhesive in the day and night temperature difference and the freeze-thaw cycle, and the long-term environmental temperature test is used to verify the performance of the rebar adhesive when it is installed in the cold storage area or the high heat environment. The coefficient of variation in this test should be <15%. The test results should not be lower than the normal ambient temperature test targets.

The temperature range is between -40C ~+40C (short term environmental high temperature extreme value +40C; long term, +24C).

The temperature range is between -40C ~+80C (short term environmental high temperature extreme value +80C; long term, +50C).

When the constant tension load is applied, the force value is 40% of the yield strength of the steel bar, and the loading period is 180 days. If the displacement change is convergent fast, the short time is close to zero, and the visual condition is shortened to the minimum of 90 days. In this cycle, the amount of displacement should converge and approach zero.

Freeze-thaw test: the cycle number is 50 times

  • Low cyclic repeated tensile and shear loadings of cracked concrete under earthquake

    The basis for judging the quality of the anchoring adhesive

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